Figure 10.
Late-phase collections in necrotizing pancreatitis. (A) A schematic diagram shows walled-off necrosis (WON) containing pancreatic and fat necrosis debris (ND). Pancreatic and peripancreatic walled-off necrosis in a 61-year-old woman following acute necrotizing pancreatitis. The time interval from symptom onset to MRI scan was 27 days. An axial TSE T2-weighted MR fat-suppressed image (B) shows an 8-cm-diameter heterogeneous collection located in previously pancreatic body and tail regions, containing hypointense wall-attached (arrows) and dependent solid components (curved arrow). Discrete and irregular, thick walls (arrowheads) presenting as T2 hypointensity can be seen. Contrast-enhanced venous-phase MRI image (C) shows definitively target-like enhancement of the wall (arrowheads), but mild enhancement (arrows) or non-enhancement of solid debris (curved arrow) within the WON. P, pancreas.