Table 1.
The Entrez Databases (as of 4 September 2019)
Database | Records | Description |
Literature | | |
PubMed | 30 090 705 | scientific and medical abstracts/citations |
PubMed Central | 5 706 133 | full-text journal articles |
NLM Catalog | 1 604 689 | index of NLM collections |
Books | 758 285 | books and reports |
MeSH | 279 004 | ontology used for PubMed indexing |
Health | | |
ClinVar | 561 351 | human variations of clinical significance |
dbGaP | 1 357 | genotype/phenotype interaction studies |
MedGen | 327 671 | medical genetics literature and links |
GTR | 60 029 | genetic testing registry |
Genomes | | |
SNP | 686 600 501 | short genetic variations |
Nucleotide | 409 361 023 | DNA and RNA sequences |
Probe | 32 407 891 | sequence-based probes and primers |
BioSample | 11 474 586 | descriptions of biological source materials |
SRA | 8 945 479 | high-throughput DNA and RNA sequence read archive |
dbVar | 5 954 211 | genome structural variation studies |
Taxonomy | 2 254 489 | taxonomic classification and nomenclature catalog |
BioProject | 374 697 | biological projects providing data to NCBI |
Assembly | 462 179 | genome assembly information |
Genome | 47 065 | genome sequencing projects by organism |
BioCollections | 8 092 | museum, herbaria, and other biorepository collections |
Genes | | |
GEO Profiles | 128 414 055 | gene expression and molecular abundance profiles |
Gene | 25 258 008 | collected information about gene loci |
GEO DataSets | 3 345 732 | functional genomics studies |
PopSet | 331 479 | sequence sets from phylogenetic and population studies |
HomoloGene | 141 268 | homologous gene sets for selected organisms |
Proteins | | |
Protein | 771 516 322 | protein sequences |
Identical Protein Groups | 249 297 183 | protein sequences grouped by identity |
Protein Clusters | 1 137 329 | sequence similarity-based protein clusters |
Sparcle | 173 523 | conserved domain architectures |
Structure | 154 783 | experimentally-determined biomolecular structures |
Conserved Domains | 57 242 | conserved protein domains |
Chemicals | | |
PubChem Substance | 245 012 057 | deposited substance and chemical information |
PubChem Compound | 96 257 804 | chemical information with structures, information and links |
PubChem BioAssay | 1 067 621 | bioactivity screening studies |
BioSystems | 983 968 | molecular pathways with links to genes, proteins and chemicals |