Table 3.
The results of univariate Cox analysis and their information
Probe IDs | P‐value | HR | Low 95% CI | High 95% CI | Ref seq symbol | Ensembl symbol |
213447_at | 2.12E‐07 | 4.327 | 2.488 | 7.525 | IPW | — |
227909_at | 4.17E‐06 | 4.957 | 2.507 | 9.801 | NCRNA00086 | NCRNA00086 |
231925_at | 5.73E‐05 | 4.770 | 2.228 | 10.210 | — | RP11‐38P22.2 |
232191_at | 0.0026 | 0.009 | 0.000 | 0.191 | — | ERVH48‐1 |
243017_at | 0.0006 | 44.374 | 5.016 | 392.582 | LOC158572 | — |
244553_at | 1.33E‐05 | 0.070 | 0.021 | 0.232 | — | AC004080.17 |
Abbreviations: CI: confidence interval; HR: hazard ratio; IPW, lncRNA‐IPW.