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. 2019 Nov 27;7(4):329–340. doi: 10.14218/JCTH.2019.00043

Table 3. Liver biopsy characteristics between groups.

Histology findings AH–CAM group, n = 27 Classical AH group, n = 29 p value
Steatosis 100% 100%
Grading of steatosis Mild 48.1% Mild 13.8% 0.02
Moderate 44.4% Moderate 65.5%
Severe 7.4% Severe 20.7%
Predominant inflammation Lymphocyte 63% Lymphocytes 10.3% <0.001
Neutrophils 37% Neutrophils 89.7%
Predominant site of inflammation Lobular 0% Lobular 75.9%
Portal 77.8% Portal 0% <0.001
Lobular + portal 22.2% Lobular + portal 24.1%
Ballooning 100% 100%
Interface hepatitis 70.4% 0% <0.001
Mallory Denk bodies 77.8% 100% 0.007
Neutrophilic satellitosis 29.6% 55.2% 0.05
Megamitochondria 7.4% 27.6% 0.05
Pericellular fibrosis 100% 100%
Cirrhosis 81.5% 89.7% 0.38
Plasma cells (portal, lobular or interface) 37% 6.9% 0.006
Eosinophilic infiltration (portal, lobular or interface) 44.4% 0% <0.001
Cholestasis 74.1% 20.7% <0.001
Type of cholestasis Hepatocellular 74.1% Hepatocellular 20.7% <0.001
Canalicular 40.7% Canalicular 6.9% 0.003
Cholangiolar 44.4% Cholangiolar 0% <0.001
Foamy degeneration 40.7% 17.2% 0.05
Necrosis (any type) 70.4% 17.2% <0.001
Patterns of necrosis Periportal necrosis 25.9% Periportal necrosis 0% 0.004
Perivenular necrosis 22.2% Perivenular necrosis 10.3% 0.23
Spotty necrosis 14.8% Spotty necrosis 6.9% 0.90
Bridging necrosis 25.9% Bridging necrosis 0% 0.003
Confluent necrosis 25.9% Confluent necrosis 0% 0.004
Submassive necrosis 18.5% Submassive necrosis 0% 0.02
Hepatocyte rossetting 11.1% 0% 0.07
Sinusoidal dilatation 33.3% 0% <0.001
Sinusoidal fibrosis 44.4% 7% 0.001

Abbreviations: AH, alcoholic hepatitis; CAM, complementary and alternative medicine.