The stem and transient amplifying cell niches of the intestine contain potentially senescent cells in Crohn’s disease. In all immunostains, epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR, brown) is used as a counterstain to provide tissue architecture. (A) H&E staining of intestinal tissue showing characteristic eosin rich cytoplasmic staining (pink) morphology of paneth cells, confirming localization at level of progenitor cell niche. (B-G) Immunostaining for p16 and p21 (blue) of intestinal tissue from a patient with early Crohn’s disease (B,C,E,F) and age/sex-matched control (D,G). (H) Quantification of p16 and p21 positive cells in progenitor (Prog) and transient amplifying (TA) cell niches in intestinal tissue from early Crohn’s patients (n = 3), compared to age-matched healthy controls (HC). One-tailed Mann Whitney U testing was used for statistical analysis. Exact P-values are given. p16+ or p21+ cells in the progenitor cell niche in the gut were identified based on localization in close proximity to the paneth cells. Methods: Antigen retrieval was performed for 20 minutes with a solution of 1 mM EDTA (pH 8.0) on paraffin sections. Mouse anti-human p16 (Roche clone E6H4, ready to use; blue), mouse anti human p21 (DAKO, clone SX118, 1:20; blue) and rabbit anti-human epithelial growth factor receptor (Abcam clone EP38Y, 1:500; brown) were used with the Lab Vision MultiVision Polymer Detection System anti Mouse-AP anti-rabbit-HRP staining kit (Thermofisher) to detect p16+ and p21+ cells. Arrows denote the progenitor cell niche in the intestine. Triangles denote the transient amplifying cell niche. Intensity of p21 immunostaining in intestine was quantified as pixel intensity.