In vivo imaging of plectin in orthotopic pancreatic cancer and liver
metastases. A) Mice bearing tumors from orthotopically implanted L3.6pl, AK134
cells, and saline (null) were injected with 111In-tPTP. Imaging via SPECT/CT 4
hours post injection shows that tPTP accumulated in PDAC. Coronal (left) and
axial (right) SPECT/CT slices through the tumor. T, tumor; K, kidney; M,
peritoneal metastasis. B) AK134 cells, or saline (null), were injected
intrasplenically to produce liver metastases. Top, mice with liver metastasis
(LM) from AK134 injection. Bottom, null animals without tumor cell injected. K,
kidney. Adapted from Bausch et al.19