Fig. 21.
The charged-particle multiplicity (left) and (right) in the toward (upper), transverse (middle), and away (lower) regions measured as a function of the Z boson in Drell–Yan events at [21], and compared with the predictions obtained by an inclusive NLO ME calculated by mg5_amc, interfaced to the UE simulation of pythia8 with the CUETP8M1, CP2, CP4, and CP5 tunes. Tunes CP1 and CP3 are not shown in the plot but present a similar behaviour as, respectively, tunes CP2 and CP4. The ratios of simulations to the data (MC/Data) are also shown, where the shaded band indicates the total experimental uncertainty of the data. Vertical lines drawn on the data points refer to the total uncertainty in the data. Vertical lines drawn on the MC points refer to the statistical uncertainty in the predictions. Horizontal bars indicate the associated bin width