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. 2016 Oct;13(10):1808–1813. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201604-229BC

Table 1.

Responses to the question: “In which of the following ways, if any, do you think your patients are currently being affected by climate change, or might be affected in the next 10–20 years?”

  Yes No Don’t Know N
Injuries due to severe storms, floods, droughts, fires
Now 69% 21% 9% 407
10–20 yr from now 77% 8% 15% 370
Air pollution related increases in severity of illness
Now 88% 7% 6% 409
10–20 yr from now 89% 4% 6% 369
Increased care for allergic sensitization and symptoms of plant/mold exposure
Now 72% 10% 19% 405
10–20 yr from now 76% 4% 20% 368
Heat-related effects
Now 70% 19% 12% 408
10–20 yr from now 79% 8% 14% 371
Vector-borne infection
Now 59% 23% 19% 406
10–20 yr from now 68% 7% 25% 368
Diarrhea from food/waterborne illnesses
Now 55% 26% 19% 405
10–20 yr from now 65% 11% 25% 372