Dendrograms of SLC family members. (A) Several SLC superfamily members are vesicular neurotransmitter transporters whose expression defines specific neurotransmitter identities. The schematic protein structure from human VGLUT1 is from Almqvist et al. (2007). ACh, acetylcholine; DA, dopamine; Glu, glutamate; VAChT, vesicular acetylcholine transporter; VMAT, vesicular monoamine transporter; VGluT, vesicular glutamate transporter. (B) Dendrogram of SLC17 family members in C. elegans, rooted with members of the SLC18 neurotransmitter transporter families from worms (Ce), flies (Dm), and humans (Hs). While the inclusion of all SLC17 family members weakens the association of VGLU-2 and VGLU-3 with bona fide VGLUT proteins (compare to (B)), they still remain more closely associated with VGLUTs compared to other vesicular transporters. SLC, solute carrier.