Findings reported across one or more study populations (African American, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian, Caucasian) |
Participant characteristicsResearch study characteristics
Team establishes rapport and trust [41,45,51]
Study offers financial compensation [52]
Study provides transportation [48]
Research staff sharing same cultural background or language [38,40,41,51]
Team disseminates study results [52]
Participant characteristics
Historical/medical mistrust [32,[38], [39], [40],[42], [43], [44], [45],47,49]
Participants may fear injury or complications [32,46,47]
Research study characteristics
Team offers insufficient information about study, procedures, research process [39,42,45,47,51]
Procedures involved may be invasive [32,39,46]
Varied issues described around transportation [32,42,48]
Findings that are specific to one population (African American, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian) |
Participant characteristicsResearch study characteristics
Participant characteristics
Participants feel research studies are only advantageous to white populations [45] (reported by a study examining African-American participant views)
Participants hold a belief that body should remain whole and/or be respected [38,45] (reported by studies examining Asian participant views)
Participants describe financial barriers [42] (reported by a study examining Hispanic/Latinx participant views)
Participants experience caregiver burden [42] (reported by a study examining Hispanic/Latinx participant views)