Fig. 7.
Transcription in genes and pathways relevant to MS immunopathology. (a) Short-term expression fold change (FC) in three patient groups: stable CR (gold), stable PR (red), and active PR (pink). For each group, an average FC was calculated across doses (250 ug and 500 ug) and clinical status (stable and active), at 4 h relative to 0 h after injection. (b) Long-term expression fold change is shown in baseline treated (orange), and untreated (blue). For each group, an average FC was calculated across disease status (stable CR and stable PR, or stable and active MS), compared to healthy controls. Numbers on the radius represent log2-transformed expression fold change. The edge of dark circle represents no changes (log2FC = 0•0). Genes and pathways include EIF2AK3, essential in unfolded protein response; SLC7A11, neurodegeneration; HGF, neuroprotective; IFN-α and β signaling excluding IFN-γ; NF-κB, cytokine gene activation; and ILT, immune suppression.(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)