Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Biological Materials | |||
RPMI | Cellgro (corning) | 15-040-CV | |
DMEM | Cellgro (corning) | 15-013-CV | |
IMDM | Cellgro (corning) | 15-016-CVR | |
RetroNectin Recombinant Human Fibronectin Fragment | Takara | T100B | |
MethoCult GF M3434 (Methylcellulose for Mouse CFU) | Stem Cell | 3434 | |
MethoCult H4434 Classic (Methylcellulose for Human CFU) | Stem Cell | 4434 | |
4-Hydroxytamoxifen | Sigma | H6278 | |
Recombinant Murine SCF | Prospec | CYT-275 | |
Recombinant Murine Flt3-Ligand | Prospec | CYT-340 | |
Recombinant Murine IL-6 | Prospec | CYT-350 | |
Recombinant Murine IL-7 | Peprotech | 217-17 | |
DFC | LKT Laboratories Inc. | D3420 | |
BCI | Chemzon Scientific | NZ-06-195 | |
Imatinib | LC Laboratory | I-5508 | |
Curcumin | Sigma | 458-37-7 | |
NDGA | Sigma | 500-38-9 | |
Penn/Strep | Cellgro (corning) | 30-002-CI | |
FBS | Atlanta biological | S11150 | |
Trypsin EDTA 1× | Cellgro (corning) | 25-052-CI | |
1× PBS | Cellgro (corning) | 21-040-CV | |
L-Glutamine | Cellgro (corning) | 25-005-CL | 5 mg/mL stock in water |
Puromycin | Gibco (life technologies) | A11138-03 | |
HEPES | Sigma | H7006 | |
Na2HPO4.7H2O | Sigma | S9390 | |
Protamine sulfate | Sigma | P3369 | 5 mg/mL stock in water |
Trypan Blue solution (0.4%) | Sigma | T8154 | |
DMSO | Cellgro (corning) | 25-950-CQC | |
WST-1 | Roche | 11644807001 | |
0.45 μM acro disc filter | PALL | 2016-10 | |
70 μm nylon cell stariner | Becton Dickinson | 352350 | |
FICOL (Histopaque 1083) (polysucrose) | Simga | 1083 | |
PBS | Corning | 21040CV | |
LS Columns | Miltenyi | 130-042-401 | |
Protease Inhibitor Cocktail | Roche | CO-RO | |
Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail 2 | Sigma | P5762 | |
Nitrocullulose Membrane | Bio-Rad | 1620115 | |
SuperSignal West Dura Extended Duration Substrate (chemiluminiscence substrate) | Thermo Scientific | 34075 | |
CD5 | eBioscience | 13-0051-82 | |
CD11b | eBioscience | 13-0112-75 | |
CD45R (B220) | BD biosciences | 553092 | |
CD45.1-FITC | eBioscience | 11-0453-85 | |
CD45.2-PE | eBioscience | 12-0454-83 | |
hCD45-FITC | BD Biosciences | 555482 | |
Anti-Biotin-FITC | Miltenyi | 130-090-857 | |
Anti-7-4 | eBioscience | MA5-16539 | |
Anti-Gr-1 (Ly-6G/c) | eBioscience | 13-5931-82 | |
Anti-Ter-119 | eBioscience | 13-5921-75 | |
Ly-6 A/E (Sca1) PE Cy7 | BD | 558612 | |
CD117 APC | BD | 553356 | |
BD Pharm Lyse | BD | 555899 | |
BD Cytofix/Cytoperm (Fixing and permeabilization solution) | BD | 554714 | |
BD Perm/Wash (permeabilization and wash solution for phospho flow) | BD | 554723 | |
phospho p38 | Cell Signaling Technologies | 4511S | |
total p38 | Cell Signaling Technologies | 9212 | |
Mouse IgG control | BD | 554121 | |
Alexa Flour 488 conjugated | Invitrogen | A-11034 | |
Calcium Chloride | Invitrogen | K278001 | |
2× HBS | Invitrogen | K278002 | |
EDTA | Ambion | AM9261 | |
BSA | Sigma | A7906 | |
Blood Capillary Tubes | Fisher | 22-260-950 | |
Blood Collection Tube | Giene Bio-One | 450480 | |
Newborn Calf Serum | Atlanta biological | S11295 | |
Erythropoiein | Amgen | 5513-267-10 | |
human SCF | Prospec | CYT-255 | |
Human IL-3 | Prospec | CYT-210 | |
G-SCF | Prospec | CYT-220 | |
GM-CSF | Prospec | CYT-221 | |
MyeloCult (media for LTCIC assay) | Stem Cell Technologies | 5100 | |
Hydrocortisone Sodium Hemisuccinate | Stem Cell Technologies | 7904 | |
MEM alpha | Gibco | 12561-056 | |
1/2 cc Lo-Dose u-100 insulin syringe 28 G1/2 | Becton Dickinson | 329461 | |
Mortor pestle | Coor tek | 60316 and 60317 | |
Isoflorane (Isothesia TM) | Butler Schien | 29405 | |
SOC | New England Biolabs | B90920s | |
Ampicillin | Sigma | A0166 | 100 mg/mL stock in water |
Bacto agar (agar) | Difco | 214050 | |
Terrific broth | Becton Dickinson | 243820 | |
Agarose | Genemate | E-3119-500 | |
Doxycycline chow | | 52662 | modified RMH1500, Autoclavable 5LK8 with 0.0625% Doxycycline |
Tamoxifen | Sigma | T5648 | |
Iodonitrotetrazolium chloride | Sigma | 110406 | |
Kits | |||
Dneasy Blood & tissue kit | Qiagen | 69506 | |
GoTaq Green (taq polymerase with Green loadign dye) | Promega | M1722 | |
miRNeasy Mini Kit (RNA isolation kit) | Qiagen | 217084 | |
DNA Free Dnase Kit (DNAse treatment for RT PCR) | Ambion, Life Technologies | AM1906 | |
Superscript III First Strand Synthesis (reverse transcriptase for cDNA synthesis) | Invitrogen | 18080051 | |
SYBR Green (taq polymerase mix with green interchalating dye for qPCR) | Bio-Rad | 1725270 | |
CD117 MicroBead Kit | Miltenyi | 130-091-224 | |
Human Long-Term Culture Initiating Cell Assay | Stemp Cell Technologies | ||
Instruments | |||
NAPCO series 8000 WJ CO2 incubator | Thermo scientific | ||
Swing bucket rotor cetrifuge 5810R | Eppendorf | ||
TC-10 automated cell counter | Bio-RAD | ||
C-1000 Thermal cycler | Bio-RAD | ||
Mastercycler Real Plex 2 | Eppendorf | ||
ChemiDoc Imaging System (imaging system for gels and western blots) | Bio-RAD | 17001401 | |
Hemavet (boold counter) | Drew-Scientific | ||
LSR II (FACS analyzer) | BD | ||
Fortessa I (FACS analyzer) | BD | ||
FACSAriaII (FACS Sorter) | BD | ||
Magnet Stand | Miltenyi | ||
Irradiator | J.L. Shepherd and Associates, San Fernando CA | Mark I Model 68A | source Cs 137 |
Mice | |||
ROSACreERT2 | Jackson Laboratory | ||
Scl-tTA | Dr. Claudia Huettner’s lab | ||
BoyJ | mouse core facility at CCHMC | ||
C57Bl/6 | Jackson Laboratory | ||
NSGS | mouse core facility at CCHMC | ||
ROSACreERT2/c-Fosfl/fl Dusp1−/− | Made in house | ||
ROSACreERT2/c-Fosfl/fl | Made in house | ||
Cells | |||
BaF3 | Gift from George Daley, Harvard Medical School, Boston | ||
WEHI | Gift from George Daley, Harvard Medical School, Boston | ||
CML-CD34+ and Normal CD34+ cells | University Hospital, University of Cincinnati |