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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Jan 7.
Published in final edited form as: J Vis Exp. 2019 Jan 7;(143):10.3791/58194. doi: 10.3791/58194


Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Biological Materials
RPMI Cellgro (corning) 15-040-CV
DMEM Cellgro (corning) 15-013-CV
IMDM Cellgro (corning) 15-016-CVR
RetroNectin Recombinant Human Fibronectin Fragment Takara T100B
MethoCult GF M3434 (Methylcellulose for Mouse CFU) Stem Cell 3434
MethoCult H4434 Classic (Methylcellulose for Human CFU) Stem Cell 4434
4-Hydroxytamoxifen Sigma H6278
Recombinant Murine SCF Prospec CYT-275
Recombinant Murine Flt3-Ligand Prospec CYT-340
Recombinant Murine IL-6 Prospec CYT-350
Recombinant Murine IL-7 Peprotech 217-17
DFC LKT Laboratories Inc. D3420
BCI Chemzon Scientific NZ-06-195
Imatinib LC Laboratory I-5508
Curcumin Sigma 458-37-7
NDGA Sigma 500-38-9
Penn/Strep Cellgro (corning) 30-002-CI
FBS Atlanta biological S11150
Trypsin EDTA 1× Cellgro (corning) 25-052-CI
1× PBS Cellgro (corning) 21-040-CV
L-Glutamine Cellgro (corning) 25-005-CL 5 mg/mL stock in water
Puromycin Gibco (life technologies) A11138-03
HEPES Sigma H7006
Na2HPO4.7H2O Sigma S9390
Protamine sulfate Sigma P3369 5 mg/mL stock in water
Trypan Blue solution (0.4%) Sigma T8154
DMSO Cellgro (corning) 25-950-CQC
WST-1 Roche 11644807001
0.45 μM acro disc filter PALL 2016-10
70 μm nylon cell stariner Becton Dickinson 352350
FICOL (Histopaque 1083) (polysucrose) Simga 1083
PBS Corning 21040CV
LS Columns Miltenyi 130-042-401
Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Roche CO-RO
Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail 2 Sigma P5762
Nitrocullulose Membrane Bio-Rad 1620115
SuperSignal West Dura Extended Duration Substrate (chemiluminiscence substrate) Thermo Scientific 34075
CD5 eBioscience 13-0051-82
CD11b eBioscience 13-0112-75
CD45R (B220) BD biosciences 553092
CD45.1-FITC eBioscience 11-0453-85
CD45.2-PE eBioscience 12-0454-83
hCD45-FITC BD Biosciences 555482
Anti-Biotin-FITC Miltenyi 130-090-857
Anti-7-4 eBioscience MA5-16539
Anti-Gr-1 (Ly-6G/c) eBioscience 13-5931-82
Anti-Ter-119 eBioscience 13-5921-75
Ly-6 A/E (Sca1) PE Cy7 BD 558612
CD117 APC BD 553356
BD Pharm Lyse BD 555899
BD Cytofix/Cytoperm (Fixing and permeabilization solution) BD 554714
BD Perm/Wash (permeabilization and wash solution for phospho flow) BD 554723
phospho p38 Cell Signaling Technologies 4511S
total p38 Cell Signaling Technologies 9212
Mouse IgG control BD 554121
Alexa Flour 488 conjugated Invitrogen A-11034
Calcium Chloride Invitrogen K278001
2× HBS Invitrogen K278002
EDTA Ambion AM9261
BSA Sigma A7906
Blood Capillary Tubes Fisher 22-260-950
Blood Collection Tube Giene Bio-One 450480
Newborn Calf Serum Atlanta biological S11295
Erythropoiein Amgen 5513-267-10
human SCF Prospec CYT-255
Human IL-3 Prospec CYT-210
G-SCF Prospec CYT-220
GM-CSF Prospec CYT-221
MyeloCult (media for LTCIC assay) Stem Cell Technologies 5100
Hydrocortisone Sodium Hemisuccinate Stem Cell Technologies 7904
MEM alpha Gibco 12561-056
1/2 cc Lo-Dose u-100 insulin syringe 28 G1/2 Becton Dickinson 329461
Mortor pestle Coor tek 60316 and 60317
Isoflorane (Isothesia TM) Butler Schien 29405
SOC New England Biolabs B90920s
Ampicillin Sigma A0166 100 mg/mL stock in water
Bacto agar (agar) Difco 214050
Terrific broth Becton Dickinson 243820
Agarose Genemate E-3119-500
Doxycycline chow 52662 modified RMH1500, Autoclavable 5LK8 with 0.0625% Doxycycline
Tamoxifen Sigma T5648
Iodonitrotetrazolium chloride Sigma 110406
Dneasy Blood & tissue kit Qiagen 69506
GoTaq Green (taq polymerase with Green loadign dye) Promega M1722
miRNeasy Mini Kit (RNA isolation kit) Qiagen 217084
DNA Free Dnase Kit (DNAse treatment for RT PCR) Ambion, Life Technologies AM1906
Superscript III First Strand Synthesis (reverse transcriptase for cDNA synthesis) Invitrogen 18080051
SYBR Green (taq polymerase mix with green interchalating dye for qPCR) Bio-Rad 1725270
CD117 MicroBead Kit Miltenyi 130-091-224
Human Long-Term Culture Initiating Cell Assay Stemp Cell Technologies
NAPCO series 8000 WJ CO2 incubator Thermo scientific
Swing bucket rotor cetrifuge 5810R Eppendorf
TC-10 automated cell counter Bio-RAD
C-1000 Thermal cycler Bio-RAD
Mastercycler Real Plex 2 Eppendorf
ChemiDoc Imaging System (imaging system for gels and western blots) Bio-RAD 17001401
Hemavet (boold counter) Drew-Scientific
LSR II (FACS analyzer) BD
Fortessa I (FACS analyzer) BD
Magnet Stand Miltenyi
Irradiator J.L. Shepherd and Associates, San Fernando CA Mark I Model 68A source Cs 137
ROSACreERT2 Jackson Laboratory
Scl-tTA Dr. Claudia Huettner’s lab
BoyJ mouse core facility at CCHMC
C57Bl/6 Jackson Laboratory
NSGS mouse core facility at CCHMC
ROSACreERT2/c-Fosfl/fl Dusp1−/− Made in house
ROSACreERT2/c-Fosfl/fl Made in house
BaF3 Gift from George Daley, Harvard Medical School, Boston
WEHI Gift from George Daley, Harvard Medical School, Boston
CML-CD34+ and Normal CD34+ cells University Hospital, University of Cincinnati