The molecular phylogeny of the Neurachninae (from Christin et al., 2012) with three traits mapped onto the tree. A, Values for C*. B, % of GDC in the MS tissue. C, L:W of MS cells in paradermal section. No data were available for N. tenuifolia, as indicated by the dotted branch. Nlan, N. lanigera; Nalo, N. alopecuroidea; Nque, N. queenslandica; Nmue, N. muelleri; Nmin, N. minor; Nten, N. tenuifolia; Nmun, N. munroi; Nnann, N. annularis; Tmit, T. mitchelliana. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals for C* and 12 other traits at ancestral nodes are presented in Supplemental Table S7.