Figure 2.
Transcriptomic changes in response to low R:FR, GAs, and PAC in P. tabuliformis seedlings. A total of 1,842 unigenes were shown, which were differently expressed between GA3 versus PAC, GA4/7 versus PAC, and low R:FR versus PAC with an expression fold change > 1.2, P < 0.05. FR, low R:FR light conditions; FRP, simultaneous low R:FR conditions and PAC irrigation; CK, water control. Unigenes were rearranged in descending order according to the expression fold changes between GA3 and PAC treatment. Data are mean values of three biological replicates. Corresponding expression changes of these unigenes between GA4/7 versus PAC (A), low R:FR versus FRP (B), and FRP versus PAC (C) are shown. D, Principal component analysis based on each of the 1,842 differently expressed genes. Each symbol represents a single sample (n = 3 replicate samples per treatment).