NK cell perforin and GB production before and after coculture either with Plasmodium-infected RBC or uRBC red blood cells. a Comparison between HIV+ and HIV-; NK cell perforin expression after coculture either with iRBC or uRBC. NK cell perforin expression was determined and represented as the mean ± SD (p < 0.05 considered as significant). b NK cell GB response was also determined and represented as the mean ± SD. Comparison between the HIV+ and HIV- controls groups was done using a Mann-Whitney test (p < 0.05 considered as significant). c-e Expression of perforin, GB, and CD107a, respectively, in CD56+/CD16-, CD56+/CD16+, and CD56-/CD16+ NK cells subsets prior to coculture. Single and multiple combinations were done (perforin+, perforin+/GB+, perforin+/GB+/ CD107a+, etc.). The presence of each protease is represented by (+) and the absence by (-). Results are presented as means ± SD and a Mann-Whitney test was use to compare distributions (p < 0.05 considered as significant).