Trade-off comparisons between different production inputs and performance indicators among three different establishment methods and the categories of farmers (delineated by grain yield performance percentile category) in Odisha. The figures on the left side in each panel summarize input use, and the right side summarize the performance indicators. Symbols and units are: Seed = seed input (kg ha−1), Labor = labor input (person-days ha −1), Cost = cost ($ ha−1), Wat-Irrig = irrigation water input (amount of irrigation, mm season−1); Wat-Rain = rainfall (mm season−1); N = nitrogen fertilizer input (elemental N, kg ha−1), P = phosphorus fertilizer input (elemental P, kg ha−1), No. Pesti. = (number of cumulative crop protection product input applications per season). For indicators: GrYld = grain yield (kg ha−1), LP = labor productivity (GY Labor−1); Profit = profit from rice ($ ha−1), WP = water productivity (kg grain L−1 water (irrigation + rainfall), GHG = greenhouse gas emission (CO2-equivalent kg ha−1), NUE = nitrogen use efficiency (kg grain kg−1 fertilizer N), PUE = phosphorus use efficiency (kg grain kg−1 fertilizer P), PestiUE = crop protection score (using the SRP method), H & S = health and safety, ChiLa = child labor, WomEmp = women empowerment, and NEYp = Net energy productivity.