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. 2019 Oct 17;50(1):263–277. doi: 10.1007/s10803-019-04249-w

Table 1.

Participant characteristics of children and both caregivers with a completed EQ-5D

Children (n = 88) P1 (n = 81) P2 (n = 48)
M (SD)/n (%) M (SD)/n (%) M (SD)/n (%)
Male gender: n (%) 74 (84) 8 (10) 42 (88)
Age at assessment in years: M (SD) 7.3 (2.4) 37.2 (5.2) 42.7 (6.8)
Dutch ethnicitya: n (%) 69 (78) 61 (75) 37 (77)
High urbanicityb: n (%) 52 (59)
 Full-scale IQc: M (SD) 94.3 (18.6)
 CBCL problems in the clinical range
  Internalizing total t score, n (%) 59 (67)
  Externalizing total t score, n (%) 53 (60)
 SRS parent report total score: M (SD) 93.0 (25.7)
 SRS parent report total score ≥ 75: n (%) 72 (82)
 ADOS total score (all modules): M (SD) 11.2 (3.7)
 ADOS calibrated severity score: M (SD) 6.3 (1.8)
 ADOS classification autism: n (%) 56 (64)
 Birth order: first born child: n (%) 48 (55)
 Living with both caregivers: n (%) 76 (86)
 Living with both biological parents: n (%) 67 (76)
 Biological parent: n (%) 79 (98) 42 (88)
 Biological mother: n (%) 72 (89)
 Biological father: n (%) 37 (77)
 Parental education highd: n (%) 21 (26) 11 (23)
 Paid employment: n (%) 61 (75) 44 (92)

ASD autism spectrum disorders, ADOS Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, CBCL Child Behavior Checklist, EQ-5D EuroQol Five Domain Health Questionnaire, SRS Social Responsiveness Scale, P1 primary caregiver, most involved in caring for the child, P2 secondary caregiver, second-most involved in caring for the same child

aEthnicity was classified as Dutch if both parents were born in the Netherlands

bUrbanicity is high with ≥ 1500 addresses per square kilometer

cTotal IQ scores were obtained from the patient file if the IQ assessment had been conducted within the past 2 years. Most used IQ tests were the various Wechsler Intelligence Scales, third Dutch editions. IQ assessment was conducted by trained members of the research team if no recent or valid IQ assessment was available. IQ or developmental scores were missing in eight children

dParental education was categorized as high with higher vocational education or university education as the highest level of completed education