Figure 4. Classifying psychopathological subtypes from resting-state functional connectivity3.
aPanel A) illustrates the brain parcellation scheme (600 cortical parcels plus 36 subcortical parcels), and the resting-state functional connectivity matrix that was constructed based on this parcellation system. In parcel-wise classification analysis, one column of the connectivity matrix was taken to represent the functional connectivity pattern for a single parcel. B) Cortical surface rendering and subcortical axial slices show parcel-wise classification results for those parcels which survived FDR correction (q < .05), demonstrating a neurobiological divergence between the two identified psychopathological subtypes of schizophrenia. C) Cortical surface rendering and subcortical axial slices show parcel-wise classification results for the whole brain. The balanced classification accuracy is color-coded from light grey to dark red.