Figure 2.
Subcellular localization of GmFWL1-GFP (A–C) and mCherry-GmFLOT2/4 (D–E) in mock- (A,D) and B. diazoefficiens-inoculated soybean root hairs (B,E) in response to 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid treatment. Soybean root hair cells expressing the GmFWL1-GFP and mCherry-GmFLOT2/4 fusion proteins were treated with 2,4D then inoculated or not with B. diazoefficiens. White arrows highlight the accumulation of chimeric proteins at the tip of the root hair cells upon auxin treatment. C and F: Quantification of the intensity of the fluorescence (y-axis) of the GmFWL1-GFP (C) and mCherry-GmFLOT2/4 proteins (F) in mock- (red) and B. diazoefficiens-inoculated (blue) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic-treated soybean root hair cells (x-axis, µm; the black arrow highlight the position of the root hair tip). Scale = 100µm. The pictures shown are representative from a series of observations conducted on three independent biological experiments.