Table 1.
Basic characteristics of women with postmenopausal bleeding
Basic characteristics of women (76) | Median (IQR) or n (%) or mean±SD 95% CI with range (which ever applicable for data) |
Age at presentation | 57.17±7.11 |
Age of menopause | 47.95±6.52 |
YSM | 7.95±6.52 |
Diabetes | 36 (47.4) |
Hypertension | 29 (38.2) |
Obesity/overweight | 41 (53.9) |
Recurrent episode of bleeding | 47 (61.8) |
Use of HRT | 1 (1.3) |
Endometrial thickness in PMW (mm) | 11.13±6.37 |
Data are presented as mean±SD or n (%). The mean age at the time of presentation of was 57.17±7.11 years. The mean menopausal age was 49.18±3.69 years and the duration of menopause (YSM) was 7.95±6.52 years. All are multiparous with risk factors of diabetes, hypertension, obesity or overweight, recurrent episodes of vaginal bleeding, unscheduled vaginal bleeding with use of HRT. In this study the mean thickness of endometrial was 11.13±6.37 mm, SD: Standard deviation, PMW: Postmenopausal women, HRT: Hormone replacement therapy, IQR: Interquartile range, CI: Confidence interval, YSM: Year Since menopause