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. 2019 Nov 25;102(1):130–141. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.19-0378

Table 1.

Main characteristics of study participants, STG, 2017

Patients characteristics (n = 1,566) Number or median % or min–max
Age (years) 22.8 (0.2–92.9)
Age categories (years)
 0–14 710 45.3
 15–24 232 14.8
 ≥ 25 624 39.8
 Male 735 47
Level of education if age > 18 years (n = 786)
 No formal education 122 15.5
 Primary 136 17.3
 College 318 40.4
 High school 169 21.5
 University 41 5.2
 Farmer 111 7.1
 Hunter 38 2.4
 Work at home 333 21.3
 Student 572 36.5
 Gold miner 1 0.06
 Fisherman 28 1.8
 Canoe driver 4 0.3
 Pensioner 37 2.4
 Employee in the center of STG 88 2.6
 Employee in the center of Oiapoque city 5 0.3
 Others 349 22.3
Number of people in a household (n = 1,562)
 1–3 244 15.6
 4–6 612 39.2
 6–10 529 33.9
 Greater than 10 177 11.3
 French 888 56.7
 Brazilian 668 42.7
 Surinamese 3 0.3
 Haitian 2 0.1
 Guyanese 1 0.06
 Other 4 0.3
Native language
 Brazilian 513 32.8
 French 98 6.3
 Creoles from French Guiana 371 23.7
 Creoles from Haiti 4 0.3
 Palikur 372 23.7
 Karipuna 70 4.5
 Kalina 2 0.1
 Wayampi 15 0.9
 Teko 39 2.5
 Others 82 5.2
Social coverage
 French State Medical Assistance* 144 7.3
 French Universal Health Coverage 1,089 69.5
 Brazilian social coverage 57 3.6
 French social security 79 5
 No social coverage 175 11.2
 Unknown 52 3.3
Sleeping under bednets
 No 408 26
 Yes 1,558 74
Medical history of confirmed malaria†
 No 846 54
 Yes 720 46
 If age older than 18 years
 No 241 31.8
 Yes 517 68.2
Number of episodes of malaria (N = 720) 3.0 (2.8–3.6)
 Year of last episode
  2017 132 18.3
  2014–2016 123 17
  2000–2014 358 49.7
  ≤ 2000 107 14.9
Malaria species of the last episode
Plasmodium falciparum 94 13
Plasmodium vivax 394 54.7
 Unknown 226 31.4
 Other 6 0.8

STG = Saint Georges de l’Oyapock.

* State Medical Assistance: Social coverage for an immigrant without a residency permit or a document proving that the immigrant has begun the application process for legal residency.

† Malaria confirmed by a test in a health center.