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. 2020 Jan 7;15:5. doi: 10.1186/s13023-019-1286-z

Table 2.

Severe complications occurring during pregnancy or post-partum in women with HHT and published as case report (n = 31)

Complication Study Treatment
T: Transfusion
S: Surgery
E: Embolisation
D: Drain
Date of events (wg) Clinical presentation Term of delivey (wg) Maternal outcome Fœtal outcome
Haemothorax Texier et al. 2018 T + S/HHT– 26 Chest pain 40 Good Live infant
Md Noh et al. 2018 E/HHT– 20 Dyspnea 20 Small bowel active hemorrhage Foetal death
Raiya et al. 2017 D + E/HHT– 23 Dyspnea, chest pain 40 Good Live infant
Jakobi et al. 2001 S/HHT+ 26 Severe hypoxemia 40 Hypoxemia PP embolisation SGA infant
Adegboyega et al. 1996 D/HHT– 29 Dyspnea Chest pain 40 Discharged no sequelae Live infant (CS)
Freixinet et al. 1995 D + S/HHT? 27 Dyspnea ? Severe mitral regurgitation Live infant
Bevelaqua et al. 1992 D + E/HHT– 26 Dyspnea Chest pain 40 Diagnosed 6 wk Live infant
Laroche et al. 1992 D + S / HHT + 29 Dyspnea Chest pain 37 Post embolotherapy Live infant
Gammon et al. 1990 D + E / HHT - 24 Dyspnea Chest pain 30 Heart failure resolved Live infant
Waring et al. 1990 D + E/HHT + 26 Dyspnea 32 Heart failure resolved Live infant
Hemoptysis Banerjee et al. 2018 34 Hemoptysis Good
Tandon et al. 2017 reE of PAVM/HHT+ 32 Unconscious and hypoxia 37 Good Live infant (VD)
Yaniv-Salem et al. 2017 reE of PAVM/HHT+ 35 Massive hemoptysis 37 Good Live infant (VD)
Wispelaere et al. 1996 −/HHT+ 10 Hemoptysis, transient loss of consciousness and tachycardia Therapeutic abortion Well, required resection of PAVM
Severe Hypoxemia Worda et al. 2007 −/HHT+ 12 Dyspnea, cyanosis 32 Clinically improved Live infant (CS)
Jakobi et al. 2001 −/HHT+ 25 Hypoxemia IUGR 25 Foetal death
Swinburne et al. 1986 −/HHT+ 35 Dyspnea, cyanosis 35

Post partum PAVM surgery

Active limited live

Live infant (CS)
Cerebral Ischemic stroke Swietlik et al. 2008 Craniotom/HHT+ 35

Headache and dyspnea

Brain abscess + PAVM


Post partum Hemothorax requiring

re Embolisation

Live infant (CS)
Intracranial hemorrhage Gillard et al. 1996 CAVM surgery/HHT– 21 Right hemiplegia, aphasia 38.5 Post partum epilepsy, Right hemiparesis Live infant (CS)
Neau et al. 1988 Brain surgery/HHT– 30 Right hemiplegia with aphasia violent headache and vomiting 30 Fatal (multiple CAVM, 5 hematomas) Foetal death (VD)
Pulmonary edema Euser et al. 2012 HHT+ 33 Pre-eclampsia, extensive edema in her legs and face 34 Good Live infant (CS)
High output heart failure all related to liver AVM Berthelot et al. 2015 Diuretics/HHT– 25 Dyspnea 33 At day 16 post partum complete regression of congestive signs Live infant (CS)
Lai et al. 2010 ?/HHT+ 36 Rest Dyspnea 36 Good Live infant (CS)
Goussous et al. 2009 ?/HHT- 29 Right sided heart failure and preterm labor On post partum day 2: dyspnea and lower extremity edema ? (CS)
Livneh et al. 1988 Diuretics/HHT+ 26 Weakness, dyspnea 35 (?) At 4 months Post partum Good Live infant
Livneh et al. 1988 Diuretics/HHT– 26 Dyspnea 40 At 4 months Post partum no more heart failure Live infant



McInroy et al. 1998 Post partum Liver transplantation HHT+ 30 Abdominal pain + fever 30 Biliary necrosis, liver transplant postpartum Live infant
Bauer et al. 1995 Liver transplant HHT– Abdominal pain dyspnea, Melaena Liver transplant
Gastrointestinal bleeding Hillert et al. 2001 Liver transplantation/HHT+ 27

Diffuse abdominal pain


29 Good Live infant (CS)
Branch retinal artery occlusion Askim et al. 2017

Subcutaneous Heparin +

PAVM embolization/HHT–

12 Sudden painless scotoma in left eye 40 Good Live infant (VD)
Massive intraperitoneal haemorrhage Sivarani et al. 2010 HHT+ 36 High-output cardiac failure 36 Fatal (on post-partum: massive haemorrhage in the intra-peritoneal cavity with multiple AVMs in the gastrointestinal tract) Live infant (CS)

Legends: HHT- means that the diagnosis was not done before the complication and HHT+ means that the diagnosis was known before the complication. CS Cesarean section, PAVM Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation, SGA Small for gestational age, VD Vaginal delivery