Fig. 2.
Effect of phage AKFV33 at a MOI of 104 on numbers of selected STEC and Salmonella strains grown in larger-scale individual and 3 bacterial mixed cultures. a STECO157:H7 R508N; b STECO26:H11 EC19960464; c S. Typhimurium ATCC14028. Bars present standard deviation. Asterisks*, ** and *** indicate a statistical difference of bacterial numbers between phage-treated and non-treated individual or mixed culture at P < 0.05, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively, whereas “ns” means no statistical difference (P > 0.1). Lowercase and uppercase letters represent that bacterial numbers differ (P < 0.05) overtime between individual and mixed culture treated with (A-E) or without phages (a, b)