Figure 6. H2B~Ub Packs against Swd1 and Set1.
(A) Zoom-out view of H2B~Ub (red, cartoon) against COMPASS. Swd1 (magenta), Set1 (blue), and Bre2 (orange) are shown in surface form. The disulfide linkage between H2B (cyan, cylinder) and Ub is shown in stick form. The critical WDRP necessary for Set1 activity is labeled.
(B) Close-up view of the interface between the Ub Ile44 hydrophobic patch and Swd1. Ub packs extensively against a series of conserved residues on Swd1 spread across its N terminus, WD40, and C-terminal tail. Key side chains are shown in sticks and labeled. Hydrogen bonds and salt bridges are shown as dashed yellow lines.
(C) Close-up view of the interface between the Set1 SET N terminus (blue) and Ub Ile36 underside site (red). The N terminus of the SET domain makes several backbone interactions with Ub between Thr7 and Thr12 (shown in sticks, side chains omitted for clarity). A series of Set1 hydrophobic residues pack against the base of the Ub helix. The Ub Leu71/Leu73 pair identified in Holt et al. (2015) critical for H2Bub-H3K4me crosstalk is boxed. Hydrogen bonds and salt bridges are shown as dashed yellow lines.