CVIs include: (1) vaginal dysbiosis defined by Nugent 4–6, Nugent 7–10 or a positive test for candida, and (2) sexually transmitted infections positive for Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG), Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) or genital herpes (HSV-2). Horizontal axis represents averages of individual level differences in pg biomarker per ml cervical elution adjusted to mg/ml total protein. The concentration of each biomarker at the visit preceding each CVI is set to 0 on the X axis of each bar plot; bars to the left represent decreased and bars to the right–increased levels at the time of CVI incidence. Number of incident infections: Nugent 7–10 –no HC = 56, DMPA = 98, COC = 97, Nugent 4–6 –no HC = 53, DMPA = 107, COC = 112, TV–no HC = 12, DMPA = 13, COC = 11, Candida—no HC = 33, DMPA = 66, COC = 68, CT–no HC = 9, DMPA = 10, COC = 13, GC–no HC = 11, DMPA = 18, COC = 10, HSV-2 –no HC = 5, DMPA = 5, COC = 8. Visits with any missing diagnostic test were excluded. *, p<0.05, **, p<0.01, ***, p<0.001.