Figure 2.
Phase-dependent modulation of MEP amplitude. A, B, MEP amplitude as a function of the pre-TMS EEG phase across the beta band in one participant (A) and the group (B). Frequencies showing a significant circular-linear correlation between MEP amplitude and pre-TMS beta phase are encased in black. C, Strength of MEP amplitude modulation across participants for all frequencies from 5 to 75 Hz. Cluster-based permutation test revealed a higher modulation of MEP amplitude from 25 to 28 Hz (denoted by asterisk) compared with surrogate. D, Phase-dependent modulation of MEP amplitude for the same participant as in A in a 3 Hz frequency band centered around fp. E, Phase-dependent modulation of MEP amplitude averaged across all participants. F, Average of MEP amplitude modulation aligned to each respective optimal phase Ph0 and compared with a surrogate (dashed). Paired t tests at Ph0: *p < 0.05. G, CV of MEP amplitude across phase bins when the optimal phases of each participant are aligned. Repeated-measures ANOVA (F(6,14) = 3.98, p = 0.0015). Paired t test for comparison with surrogate: *p < 0.05. H, Phase-dependent modulation of MEP amplitude when beta pre-TMS beta power is high (median split of all trials) compared with surrogate data or the modulation previously observed at Ph0 when all trials were considered. Paired t tests at Ph0, *p < 0.05.