Extended Data Figure 1: Jumbo phage ΦPA3 resists targeting by CRISPR Cas and a restriction-modification system.
a, Strain PAO1 was engineered to express the I-C cas genes and distinct crRNAs targeting the indicated phages, and plaque assays were conducted as in Fig. 1a. b, Strain PAO1 was engineered to express the Type II-A Cas9 protein and distinct single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) targeting the indicated phage. Plaque assays were conducted as in Figure 1a. c, The endogenous Type I R-M system (hsdRSM) in strain PAO1 was assayed using phages propagated on PAO1 or PAK as indicated (e.g. JBD30•PAO1 was first propagated on strain PAO1). Together with an isogenic PAO1∆hsdR knockout, all strains were subjected to a plaque assay as in Figure 1a. All plaque assays were replicated twice with similar results.