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. 2019 Dec 17;16(24):5165. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16245165

Table 5.

Standardised regression coefficients (p < 0.05) of the impact factors on quality of life resulting from multivariate stepwise regression.

Clinical medicine (eight-year programme) in the 4th year NI NS NS NS NS NS NI NS
Clinical medicine (five-year programme) in the 4th year NI NS NS NS NS NS NI NS
Preventive medicine in the 4th year NI NS 0.124 NS 0.113 NS NI 0.131
Oral medicine in the 4th year NI NS NS 0.136 0.124 NS NI 0.144
Clinical medicine (five-year programme) in the 3rd year NI NS NS NS NS NS NI NS
Physical exercise times per week NI NI NI 0.160 NS NI NI NS
Post-exercise status 0.122 0.145 NS 0.136 0.150 NI NI 0.126
Satisfaction with your family NS NI 0.103 0.106 0.130 0.107 NS 0.101
Relationship with roommates NI 0.113 NS NS 0.124 0.209 NS 0.240
Sleep quality 0.121 0.189 0.175 0.250 0.269 0.138 0.223 0.222

NI, Not Involved; NS, Not Significant (p > 0.05).Variable coding: Major [Clinical medicine (five-year programme) in the 4th year = 1, the others = 0; Preventive medicine in the 4th year = 1, the others = 0; Oral medicine in the 4th year = 1, the others = 0; Clinical medicine (five-year programme) in the 3rd year = 1, the others = 0]; Physical exercise times per week (never = 1; 1–2 times = 2; 3–4 times = 3; >4 = 4); Post-exercise status (pleasant = 5; somewhat invigorated = 4; no change = 3; a little exhausted = 2; exhausted = 1), Satisfaction with your family (very satisfied = 5; relatively satisfied = 4; general = 3; relatively dissatisfied = 2; very dissatisfied = 1); Relationship with roommates (very good = 4; good = 3; general = 2; bad or very bad = 1); Sleep quality (very good = 4; good = 3; general = 2; bad or very bad = 1).