Table 1.
Definition of variables, formulas and codes of performance indicators in interaction (IRi).
Definition | Formula | IRi Code |
Difference in the percentage of ball possession (POS) between teams | ((POS total [A]/(POS total [A] + POS total [B])) *100) − ((POS total [B]/(POS total [A] + POS total [B])) *100) | %POS |
Difference in the percentage of ball possession in own half of the field with respect to the total between teams | ((POS own half of the field [A]/POS total[A])*100) − ((POS own half of the field [B]/POS total[B])*100) | %POSp |
Difference in the percentage of ball possession in rival half of the field with respect to the total between teams | ((POS rival half of the field [A]/POS total [A])*100) − ((POS rival (half of the) field [B]/POS total [B])*100) | %POSr |
Percentage of counterattacks with respect to the total attacks (without dead ball actions (BP)), understanding as counterattacks the attacks with a maximum duration of at least 20 s and in which the ball advances at more than 3 m/s | ((Counterattacks [A]/nº of total attacks [A]) *100) − (Counterattacks [B]/nº of total attacks [B]) *100) | %CON |
Percentage of recoveries in rival (half of the) field (losses of the rival team in own field) with respect to the total recoveries (total losses of the rival team) | ((Recoveries in rival half of the field [A]/Total Recoveries [A])*100) − ((Recoveries in rival half of the field [B]/Total recoveries [B])*100) | %REC |
Percentage of forward passes with respect to total passes by the team | ((Forward passes [A]/Total passes[A]) *100) − ((Forward passes [B]/Total passes [B]) *100) | %PAS |
Percentage of successful dribbling and total dribbling by the team (A or B) | ((Total dribbles [A]/(Total dribbles[A]+ Total dribbles [B]))*100) − ((Total dribbles [B]/(Total dribbles [A]+ Total dribbles [B]))*100) | %DRI |
Percentage of space between the last defence (goalkeeper is not included) and the goal line | ((spatial depth of defense [A]/100) *100) − ((spatial depth of defense [B]/100) *100) | %ALT |
Percentage of distance covered (KM) by the team with respect to the distance covered by both teams | ((KM [A]/(KM [A]+ KM [B])*100) − ((KM [B]/(KM [A]+ KM [B])*100) | %KM |
Note: [A] is team A and [B] is team B.