MeTexplore web server [128] |
Metabolite mapping on metabolic pathways and networks
Visualizing networks
Mining and editing networks based on data and network structure (identify sub-networks connecting identified metabolites)
Pathway enrichment analysis
Mapping polyomics data
Computing fluxes
Pathvisio [129] |
Metabolite mapping on the pathways
Pathway editing, drawing, and analysis
Overrepresentation analysis
iPath—Interactive Pathways Explorer [130] |
MetaboAnalyst* web server [91] |
Metabolite ID conversion
Enrichment analysis (ORA, MSEA)
Pathway topology analysis
Joint pathway analysis (genes and metabolites)
MS peaks to pathways
PathBank [131] |
Interactive database for visualizing metabolic pathways in different model organisms
Metabolite (as well as gene, protein, drug) search and mapping
Detailed description and references are provided for each pathway from energy metabolism, associated with metabolic diseases, drug-action pathways, drug metabolism pathways, signaling pathways
LION/web [132] |
Web platform for lipid ontology enrichment analysis
Lipid classification by chemical data (LIPIDMAPS), biophysical data, lipid functions and organelle associations
XCMS online* [133] |
Activity network analysis i.e., “MS peaks to metabolic network” (integrated Mummichog tool)
Integrated pathway analysis (using genome and proteome data, in addition to metabolome data)