Fx reverses the lower expression of FoxO3α in GMCs induced by HG. (a) GMCs were treated by HG for indicated times, and cells were lysed to extract protein for the detection of FoxO3α and p-FoxO3α (S253) by western blot. (b,d) GMCs were treated by HG combined with or without Fx (2 μM), Rsv (40 μM), or MK2206 (2 μM) for 24 h, then protein was extracted for the detection of FoxO3α and p-FoxO3α (S253) by western blot. (c) GMCs were treated as previous and nuclear protein was obtained. Total FoxO3α was precipitated by incubating with antibody against FoxO3α over the night under 4 °C, and acetylated FoxO3α were displayed by pan acetylation antibody. Histone H3 and β-actin were measured as the loading control, experiments were repeated at least three times with similar results. * p < 0.05 vs NG group and # p < 0.05 vs 30 mM HG group.