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. 2019 Dec 4;16(24):4888. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16244888

Table 3.

Descriptive analysis of postpartum women during the study period (2018) considering the feeding method.

Feeding Method upon Hospital Discharge
EB * Mixed FF ** DHM ***
n = 516 % 95%CI n = 262 % 95%CI n = 168 % 95%CI n = 4 % 95%CI p
Maternal age: mean [SD] 33.68 [5.02] 34.04 [5.32] 33.00 [5.54] 36.50 [11.68] 0.156
Primiparous 257 27.05 24.18 29.30 164 17.26 14.81 19.72 82 8.63 6.79 10.47 2 50 6.76 93.24
Multiparous 259 27.26 24.38 30.15 98 10.32 8.33 10.30 86 9.05 7.18 10.93 2 50 0.76 93.24 <0.001
no 465 90.12 87.44 92.79 231 88.17 84.07 92.27 131 77.98 71.41 84.54 4 100 39.76 100
yes 51 9.88 7.21 12.56 31 11.83 7.73 15.93 37 22.02 15.46 28.59 0 0 0 60.24 0.015
Nº of cigarettes: mean [SD] 6.61 [5.14] 5.87 [3.32] 9.28 [6.20]
p 0.015 0.018 0.018
Educational level
Primary studies 91 17.64 14.25 21.02 67 25.57 20.10 31.05 56 33.33 25.91 40.76 0 0 0 60.24
High school 59 11.43 8.59 14.28 31 11.83 7.73 15.93 21 12.5 7.201 17.8 0 0 0 60.24
Vocational training 148 28.68 24.68 32.68 69 26.34 20.81 31.86 53 31.55 24.22 38.87 4 100 39.76 100
University studies 214 41.47 37.13 45.82 93 35.5 29.51 41.48 37 22.02 15.46 28.59 0 0 0 60.24
Postgraduate 4 0.78 0.21 1.973 2 0.76 0.09 2.73 1 0.60 0.02 3.27 0 0.00 0 60.24 <0.001
Work status
Employed 366 70.93 66.92 74.95 180 68.70 62.90 74.51 113 67.26 59.87 74.66 3 75.00 19.41 99.37
Unemployed 84 16.28 13.00 19.56 46 17.56 12.76 22.36 31 18.45 12.29 24.62 1 25.00 0.63 80.59
Inactive 61 11.82 8.94 14.7 32 12.21 8.06 16.37 23 13.69 8.195 19.19 0 0 0 60.24
Student 5 0.97 0.32 2.247 4 1.53 0.42 3.86 1 0.60 0.02 3.27 0 0.00 0 60.24 0.975

* Exclusive breastfeeding; ** Formula feeding; *** Donated human milk.