Comparison of WT and ΔTolC mutant response to ThT. (A) Iin versus time for the WT (cyan) and ΔTolC (gray) loaded in LB is shown. WT traces are reproduced from Fig. 3D, and ΔTolC traces were obtained from five independent experiments to give 23 single-cell traces. Averaged traces for the WT and ΔTolC are given in blue and black, respectively. (B) Growth curves of WT and ΔTolC in MM9 + glucose media are given in blue (reproduced from Fig. 3A) and black, respectively. Growth curves in the same media, but in the presence of 10 μM ThT, are given in cyan (WT) and gray (ΔTolC). The shaded areas show standard deviation and cyan and blue growth curves for the WT overlap. To see this figure in color, go online.