Table 2.
Trial outcomes
Primary outcomes | |
1 | Percentage of adolescent girls attending school or college |
2 | Mean dietary diversity score, based on 24-h recall |
3 | Mean score on the Brief Problem Monitor–Youth |
Secondary outcomes | |
1 | Percentage of girls making decisions independently and with others about the food they eat, including how much they eat and what types of food they eat |
2 | Mean score on gender role attitudes index |
3 | Percentage of girls making decisions independently and with others about friends, spending money and purchases |
4 | Mean score on the Schwarzer General Self-Efficacy (GSE) Scale |
5 | Mean score on the Child and Youth Resilience Measure 11-item version (CYRM-B) |
6 | Percentage of girls who report experiencing emotional violence in the past 12 months |
7 | Percentage of girls who report experiencing physical violence in the past 12 months |
8 | Percentage of girls who report intervening to reduce emotional violence against their peers in the past 12 months |
9 | Percentage of girls who report intervening to reduce physical violence against their peers in the past 12 months |
10 | Percentage of girls who report being absent from school in the past 2 weeks |
11 | Percentage of girls accessing at least one school-related entitlement (cash, bicycles, books, midday meal scheme) |
12 | Percentage of girls who drank alcohol in the past month |
Tertiary outcomes | |
1 | Percentage of girls who took at least four iron and folic acid supplements in the past month |
2 | Percentage of girls aged 15–19 and all married girls who have correct knowledge about the contraceptive pill, condoms and the IUD |
3 | Percentage of girls who use sanitary napkins or clean cloths during their period |
4 | Percentage of girls aged 15–19 and all married girls who know that abortion is legal |
5 | Percentage of girls who have received take home rations in the past month |
6 | Percentage of girls underweight (less than −2 SD median BMI for age and sex) |
7 | Percentage of girls stunted (less than −2 SD median height for age and sex) |
8 | Mean MUAC score |
BMI body mass index, IUD intra-uterine device, MUAC Mid Upper Arm Circumference