Table 1.
Transgenic mouse models related to innate immunity that have been tested for OA pain
Innate Immune Component | Genetic model | Result | Reference |
TLRs/DAMPs | Tlr2ko or Chloe mice | Blocking the production (Chloe mice) or action (Tlr2ko) of the 32-mer aggrecan fragment prevented development of knee hyperalgesia but not mechanical allodynia in the hind paw after DMM surgery. | Miller 2018 |
Tlr4ko mice | Tlr4ko mice were not protected from mechanical allodynia of the hind paw after DMM surgery. | Miller 2015 | |
Cd14ko mice | Cd14ko mice were protected from decreases in climbing activity observed after DMM surgery. | Sambamurthy 2018 | |
S100a9ko mice | S100a9ko (which are also functional S100a8ko) mice did not develop weight-bearing deficits or gait changes in the acute synovitis model triggered by streptococcal cell wall intra-articular injection, but they were not protected from mechanical allodynia of the hind paw in this model. | Blom 2018 (abstract) | |
Chemokines | Ccl2ko or Ccr2ko mice | Weight-bearing deficits in Ccl2ko and Ccr2ko mice were delayed in onset after DMM surgery. | Miotla Zarebska 2017 |
Ccr2ko mice developed mechanical allodynia of the hind paw after DMM surgery, but this started to resolve from 8 weeks onwards. Ccr2ko mice did not develop decreases in spontaneous locomotion seen in wild-type mice beginning 8 weeks after DMM surgery. | Miller 2012 | ||
Ccr7ko mice | Locomotor activity decreases in Ccr7ko mice were delayed in onset after DMM surgery. | Sambamurthy 2018 | |
CCL17 pathway: (Irf4ko, Ccl17 gene deficient, and Ccr4ko mice) | Irf4ko, Ccl17E/E (mice in which both copies of Ccl17 have been replaced by enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)), and Ccr4komice did not develop weight-bearing deficits in the collagenase-induced osteoarthritis mouse model. | Lee 2018 | |
Cytokines | Tnfko mice | Tnf ko mice developed mechanical allodynia of the hindpaw similar to wild-type mice in the MIA mouse model. | Taniguchi 2015 |
Tnf ko mice developed weight-bearing deficits similar to wild-type mice in the collagenase-induced osteoarthritis model. | Lee 2018 | ||
Gm-csfko mice | Gm-csf ko mice were protected from weight-bearing deficits in the collagenase-induced | Cook 2012 |