Dissection hall |
Years since establishing department |
96 |
33 |
No. of students at a time |
150 |
200 |
Dimension of dissection hall (m) |
51.82×18.29 ×4.57 |
32×12.19×3.66 |
No. of cadavers at a time |
6 |
10 |
No. of windows (W) and doors (D) |
35 W/3 D |
20 W/3 D |
No. of working exhaust |
6 |
12 |
The suction power of each exhaust (l/s) |
100 |
140 |
No. of fans installed |
16 |
17 |
Cadaver storage room |
Dimension of storage room (m) |
6.1×18.29×4.57 |
6.1×12.19×3.66 |
No. of tanks used for storage |
8 |
15 |
No. of cadaver presently available |
15 |
25 |
No. of windows (W) and doors (D) |
2 W/2 D |
8 W/3 D |
No. of working exhaust |
Nil |
10 |
The suction power of each exhaust (l/s) |
100 |
140 |
No. of fans installed |
- |
- |