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. 2019 Dec 16;52(4):419–425. doi: 10.5115/acb.19.105

Table 2. Details of symptomatic exposure among students, workers, and faculty.

Symptom Students (n=168) Worker (n=9) Faculty (n=14)
Yes (%) No (%) Yes (%) No (%) Yes (%) No (%)
 Burning 85.12 14.88 88.89 11.11 92.86 7.14
 Irritation 78.57 21.43 66.67 33.33 85.71 14.29
 Redness 43.45 56.55 66.67 33.33 78.57 21.43
 Visual disturbance 19.05 80.95 22.22 77.78 7.14 92.86
 Running nose 63.69 36.31 66.67 33.33 92.86 7.14
 Itching 35.12 64.88 11.11 88.89 28.57 71.43
 Congestion 32.74 67.26 44.44 55.56 85.71 14.29
 Tingling sensation 38.1 61.9 11.11 88.89 21.43 78.57
 Itching 23.81 76.19 11.11 88.89 21.43 78.57
 Discoloration 10.71 89.29 22.22 77.78 7.14 92.86
 Rashes 13.69 86.31 0 100 14.29 85.71
Gastrointestinal system
 Abdominal pain 13.1 86.9 22.22 77.78 0 100
 Nausea 23.21 76.79 11.11 88.89 7.14 92.86
 Vomiting 14.29 85.71 11.11 88.89 0 100
 Diarrhea 5.95 94.05 0 100 0 100
Respiratory system
 Breathlessness 22.02 77.98 66.67 33.33 50 50
 Bronchitis 5.36 94.64 22.22 77.78 42.86 57.14
 Wheezing 20.83 79.17 11.11 88.89 35.71 64.29
 Suffocation 26.79 73.21 44.44 55.56 57.14 42.86
 Sinusitis 15.48 84.52 44.44 55.56 92.86 7.14
 Sore throat 20.83 79.17 55.56 44.44 71.43 28.57
 Chest tightness 11.31 88.69 55.56 44.44 35.71 64.29
Renal system
 Burning micturition 8.93 91.07 22.22 77.78 0 100
 Altered frequency 8.33 91.67 0 100 0 100
 Change in color 10.12 89.88 11.11 88.89 0 100
Central nervous system
 Vertigo 12.5 87.5 0 100 0 100
 Convulsions 4.76 95.24 22.22 77.78 0 100
 Migraine 13.69 86.31 22.22 77.78 50 50
 Altered sleep 19.05 80.95 0 100 7.14 92.86
 Fainting 13.1 86.9 0 100 0 100
 Giddiness 19.64 80.36 0 100 0 100
 Fatigue 30.36 69.64 44.44 55.56 35.71 64.29