Effect of IGF1R/INSR silencing on cell migration. (A) A scratch was done using WoundMaker in IGF1R-KD, INSR-KD and control MCF7 cells. The cells were then treated with starvation media in the presence or absence of IGF1 or insulin for 96 h. The plates were placed into an IncuCyte ZOOM system, with repeat scanning every 2 h. Representative micrographs taken at start, 48 h and 96 h are shown. Results were in quadriplicates and every wound was photographed in two different areas. (B) Scanning densitometry analysis of cell migration distances in control, IGF1R-KD and INSR-KD cells, treated with IGF1 or insulin for 48 or 96 h. A value of 100% was given to the distance in the wound at time 0. Bars correspond to the micrographs depicted in panel A.