Study | Reason for exclusion |
Ashbury 2006 | Random sample (347 completed surveys) follow up of participants 12 months post‐contest. No comparison group. |
Chan 2012 | Follow‐on study recruiting from the Hong Kong Quit to Win series. |
Chapman 1993 | Four‐month follow‐up of a contest, no control group |
Cheung 2013 | Follow‐on study recruiting from the Hong Kong Quit to Win series. |
Croghan 2001 | Before‐and‐after population‐based survey, without a control group |
Cummings 1990 | Population‐based survey, without a control group |
Donatelle 2000a | Target is pregnant smokers (covered by reviews in Childhood and Pregnancy Group) |
Donatelle 2000b | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Donatelle 2000c | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Donatelle 2002 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Drummond 2014 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Elder 1991 | No comparison group, followed up for only 2 months. |
Gallagher 2007 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Giné 2010 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Glasgow 1985 | Cross‐sectional survey of participants one week post‐contest; no control group |
Gomez‐Zamudio 2004 | Interventions being tested were pharmacological aids, social support and cessation materials. No comparison group |
Halpern 2015 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Hawk 2006 | Observational study |
HEA 1991 | Population‐based survey, no control group |
Heil 2008a | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Higgins 2004 | Trial of contingent versus non‐contingent rewards for abstinence on pregnancy and postpartum. |
Higgins 2004a | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Higgins 2014 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Jason 1995 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
King 1987 | No details of comparison community |
Kinoshita 2004 | Overview of 3 Osaka Quit & Win contests 1998‐2000, no control groups. |
Kira 2016 | Not a competition |
Kollins 2010 | Not a randomized trial, and participants were followed for 24 days. |
Korhonen 1992 | Inter‐contest comparison of TV groups; no non‐intervention control group |
Korhonen 1993 | No non‐intervention comparison group |
Korhonen 1998 | Evaluation of 1994 contests in Finland, Russia, Catalonia; no comparison groups |
Korhonen 1999 | No comparison group |
Lai 2000 | Before‐and‐after population‐based survey, without a control group |
Lando 1990 | Comparison of 2 Minnesota contests, but only 4 to 5 months follow‐up |
Lando 1991a | Intervention did not contain a competition. Although some participants received the Quit & Win self‐help materials, no prize was available. |
Lando 1991b | Survey data, followed up at 3 to 4 months, without a control group |
Lando 1995a | No comparison group |
Lefebvre 1990 | No non‐intervention comparison group |
Leinweber 1994 | 6‐week follow‐up, no comparison group |
NCT01983150 | Not a competition |
O'Connor 2006 | 11 contests in New York 2001‐2004, 4‐ to 6‐month follow‐up. No control groups |
Ondersma 2012 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Paxton 1980 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Paxton 1981 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Paxton 1983 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Pirie 1997 | Intervention being tested was social support, not the contest itself |
Quintiliani 2015 | Not a competition |
Rand 1989 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Resnicow 1997 | Quit & Win surveyed as part of a multicomponent intervention, no non‐intervention control group reported |
Roberts 1993 | Follow‐up of a pilot contest, surveyed at 4 months |
Rooney 2005 | No non‐intervention comparison group |
Sarraf Zadegan 2006 | International Quit & Win contests in Iran; participation and self‐reported quit rates |
Secades‐Villa 2014 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Sheikhattari 2015 | Not a competition |
Shoptaw 2002 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Stotts 2013 | Four‐month follow‐up |
Tappin 2015 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Tevyaw 2009 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Tillgren 1992 | No non‐intervention control group |
Tillgren 2000 | Contest for smoking mothers, 12‐month follow‐up, no control group |
Tuten 2012 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Volpp 2006 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Volpp 2009 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Wang 2014 | Follow‐on study recruiting from the Hong Kong Quit to Win series |
Wang 2015 | Follow‐on study recruiting from the Hong Kong Quit to Win series |
Wang 2016 | Follow‐on study recruiting from the Hong Kong Quit to Win series |
Wang 2017 | Follow‐on study recruiting from the Hong Kong Quit to Win series |
Wang 2018 | Follow‐on study recruiting from the Hong Kong Quit to Win series |
White 2013 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
Windsor 1988 | Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015 |
CO: carbon monoxide