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. 2019 Feb 20;2019(2):CD013272. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013272
Study Reason for exclusion
Ashbury 2006 Random sample (347 completed surveys) follow up of participants 12 months post‐contest. No comparison group.
Chan 2012 Follow‐on study recruiting from the Hong Kong Quit to Win series.
Chapman 1993 Four‐month follow‐up of a contest, no control group
Cheung 2013 Follow‐on study recruiting from the Hong Kong Quit to Win series.
Croghan 2001 Before‐and‐after population‐based survey, without a control group
Cummings 1990 Population‐based survey, without a control group
Donatelle 2000a Target is pregnant smokers (covered by reviews in Childhood and Pregnancy Group)
Donatelle 2000b Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Donatelle 2000c Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Donatelle 2002 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Drummond 2014 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Elder 1991 No comparison group, followed up for only 2 months.
Gallagher 2007 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Giné 2010 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Glasgow 1985 Cross‐sectional survey of participants one week post‐contest; no control group
Gomez‐Zamudio 2004 Interventions being tested were pharmacological aids, social support and cessation materials. No comparison group
Halpern 2015 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Hawk 2006 Observational study
HEA 1991 Population‐based survey, no control group
Heil 2008a Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Higgins 2004 Trial of contingent versus non‐contingent rewards for abstinence on pregnancy and postpartum.
Higgins 2004a Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Higgins 2014 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Jason 1995 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
King 1987 No details of comparison community
Kinoshita 2004 Overview of 3 Osaka Quit & Win contests 1998‐2000, no control groups.
Kira 2016 Not a competition
Kollins 2010 Not a randomized trial, and participants were followed for 24 days.
Korhonen 1992 Inter‐contest comparison of TV groups; no non‐intervention control group
Korhonen 1993 No non‐intervention comparison group
Korhonen 1998 Evaluation of 1994 contests in Finland, Russia, Catalonia; no comparison groups
Korhonen 1999 No comparison group
Lai 2000 Before‐and‐after population‐based survey, without a control group
Lando 1990 Comparison of 2 Minnesota contests, but only 4 to 5 months follow‐up
Lando 1991a Intervention did not contain a competition. Although some participants received the Quit & Win self‐help materials, no prize was available.
Lando 1991b Survey data, followed up at 3 to 4 months, without a control group
Lando 1995a No comparison group
Lefebvre 1990 No non‐intervention comparison group
Leinweber 1994 6‐week follow‐up, no comparison group
NCT01983150 Not a competition
O'Connor 2006 11 contests in New York 2001‐2004, 4‐ to 6‐month follow‐up. No control groups
Ondersma 2012 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Paxton 1980 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Paxton 1981 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Paxton 1983 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Pirie 1997 Intervention being tested was social support, not the contest itself
Quintiliani 2015 Not a competition
Rand 1989 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Resnicow 1997 Quit & Win surveyed as part of a multicomponent intervention, no non‐intervention control group reported
Roberts 1993 Follow‐up of a pilot contest, surveyed at 4 months
Rooney 2005 No non‐intervention comparison group
Sarraf Zadegan 2006 International Quit & Win contests in Iran; participation and self‐reported quit rates
Secades‐Villa 2014 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Sheikhattari 2015 Not a competition
Shoptaw 2002 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Stotts 2013 Four‐month follow‐up
Tappin 2015 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Tevyaw 2009 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Tillgren 1992 No non‐intervention control group
Tillgren 2000 Contest for smoking mothers, 12‐month follow‐up, no control group
Tuten 2012 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Volpp 2006 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Volpp 2009 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Wang 2014 Follow‐on study recruiting from the Hong Kong Quit to Win series
Wang 2015 Follow‐on study recruiting from the Hong Kong Quit to Win series
Wang 2016 Follow‐on study recruiting from the Hong Kong Quit to Win series
Wang 2017 Follow‐on study recruiting from the Hong Kong Quit to Win series
Wang 2018 Follow‐on study recruiting from the Hong Kong Quit to Win series
White 2013 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015
Windsor 1988 Studies the use of incentives; included study in Cahill 2015

CO: carbon monoxide