Fig. 1.
Semiquantitative scoring of SSTR-2a, p53 and chromogranin A immunostaining. Immunohistochemistry in poorly differentiated GEP-NEC of membranous SSTR-2a expression (a-c), nuclear p53-expression (d-f), cytoplasmic CgA (g-i) and cytoplasmic synaptophysin (j-k) as well as a haematoxylin eosin section (l). A positive internal control with staining of non-neoplastic cells such as lymphocytes, fibroblasts or endothelial cells is shown in the negative p53-staining (f). (e) and (h) shows small cell morphology, whereas (a-d, f-g and i-l) are large cell tumours. (a, f, h and j) are from colon sigmoideum, (b-d, i and k-l) are from rectum, (e) is from a lymph node (CUP), (g) is from the oesophagus and the rest are colorectal neuroendocrine neoplasms. Scale bar at (l) = 100 μm. Copyright© 2018 the Department of Pathology, Rigshospitalet. All rights reserved