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. 2019 Nov 26;2019(11):CD009501. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009501.pub2
S20 S3 AND S6 AND S9 AND S19
S19 S17 NOT S18
S18 TX animal* NOT TX human*
S17 S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15 OR S16
S16 TX trial
S15 TX randomly
S14 SU clinical trial
S13 TX placebo
S12 TX randomized
S11 PT clinical trial
S10 PT randomized controlled trial
S9 (TX psychotherapy OR counselling OR behavior* OR contigenc* OR supportive OR reinforcement OR motivation* OR incentive OR "cognitive therapy") AND (S7 OR S8)
S8 TX psychotherapy OR counselling OR behavior* OR contigenc* OR supportive OR reinforcement OR motivation* OR incentive OR "cognitive therapy"
S7 (MH "Psychotherapy+") OR (MH "Psychotherapy, Brief") OR (MH "Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic") OR (MH "Psychotherapy, Group+") OR (MH "Cognitive Therapy+") OR (MH "Equine‐Assisted Therapy")
S6 (TX ( drug OR substance OR alcohol OR marijuana OR cannabis OR meth/dextro‐amphetamine OR amphetamine OR MDMA OR heroin OR narcotic OR opiate OR opioid or opium OR ecstasy OR methadone OR cocaine or psychostimulant* or inhalant* OR solvent* ) AND TX ( abus* OR use* OR misus* OR usin* OR utilis* OR depend* OR addict* OR illegal* OR illicit* OR habit* OR withdraw* OR behavi* OR abstinence* OR abstain* OR intoxica* OR addict* or disorder* )) AND (S4 OR S5)
S5 TX ( drug OR substance OR alcohol OR marijuana OR cannabis OR meth/dextro‐amphetamine OR amphetamine OR MDMA OR heroin OR narcotic OR opiate OR opioid or opium OR ecstasy OR methadone OR cocaine or psychostimulant* or inhalant* OR solvent* ) AND TX ( abus* OR use* OR misus* OR usin* OR utilis* OR depend* OR addict* OR illegal* OR illicit* OR habit* OR withdraw* OR behavi* OR abstinence* OR abstain* OR intoxica* OR addict* or disorder* )
S4 (MH "Substance Use Disorders+") OR (MH "Organic Mental Disorders, Substance‐Induced+") OR (MH "Alcohol‐Related Disorders+")
S3 (TX affective OR depression OR "depressive disorder" OR "mood disorder" OR anxiety OR dysthymic) AND (S1 OR S2)
S2 TX affective OR depression OR "depressive disorder" OR "mood disorder" OR anxiety OR dysthymic
S1 (MH "Affective Disorders+")