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. 2015 Jul 30;2015(7):CD001751. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001751.pub3

Budoff 1979.

Methods Randomisation/allocation method unclear
 Cross‐over, double‐blind trial
 46 women randomised, 44 analysed
 2 excluded from analysis, 1 due to not completing 3 cycles, 1 only took 3 capsules of medication
 Method of assessing adverse effects: unclear ‐ authors state that "adverse reactions recorded" at follow‐up visit
Participants Inclusion: primary spasmodic dysmenorrhoea, pain in recurrent cyclic fashion as diagnosed using Menstrual Distress Questionnaire, regular menstrual cycles, good physical health, emotionally stable, physical and pelvic exam performed
 Exclusion: IUD or OCP use, congestive dysmenorrhoea, organic pelvic disease, intolerance to fenamates
 Location: USA
Interventions Mefenamic acid (250 mg, 4 times daily at onset of menses, max. 3 days, dose could be reduced if needed)
 Duration: 3 cycles per treatment phase/6 cycles in total
 Additional analgesia: 32.4 mg codeine allowed if necessary, no aspirin or paracetamol‐based products, or over the counter analgesia allowed during study
Outcomes Proportion with decrease in pain, weakness/dizziness/nausea and diarrhoea
 Adverse effects
Notes Groups compared at baseline and trial also reported mean differences in pain from entry score for end of first phase. No numerical data reported for adverse effects
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Method not described
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Method not described
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Double‐blinded, "identical‐appearing placebo capsules"
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk Data on adverse reactions not solicited prospectively
Complete follow‐up? High risk 37/46 analysed (80%)
Potential bias related to study funding Unclear risk Drug supplied by Parke Davis