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. 2016 Apr 20;2016(4):CD012165. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012165

Rakhila 2013.

Study characteristics
Patient sampling Primary objective: to investigate prostaglandin (PG) biosynthesis and catabolism pathways in eutopic and ectopic endometrium of women with endometriosis
Participants: women undergoing laparoscopy for pelvic pain, infertility or both (endometriosis group) and women scheduled for tubal ligation
Selection criteria: exclusion criteria: no other pelvic pathology, signs of endometrial hyperplasia, or neoplasia and any nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or hormonal medication for 3 months before surgery
Study design: observational two‐gate, prospective recruitment and sample collection
Patient characteristics and setting Clinical presentation: endometriosis group ‐ chronic pelvic pain, infertility or both; controls – disease‐free women requesting tubal ligation
Age: Mean age 34.2 ± 3.6 yeas (endometriosis group), 35.3 ± 3.8 years (controls)
Number enrolled: 74 women
Number available for analysis: 74 women (34 in proliferative and 40 in secretory cycle phase)
Setting: Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec, Hôpital Saint‐François d'Assise
Place of study: Quebec, Canada
Period of study: not specified
Language: English
Index tests Index test: prostaglandin synthases: Cox‐1, Cox‐2, mPGES‐1, mPGES‐2, cPGES, AKR‐1B1, AKR‐1C3; prostaglandin catabolic enzyme 15‐PGDH mRNA
Description of positive case definition by index test as reported: expression levels of the biomarkers by RT‐PCR (using SYBR Green chemistry, carried out in ABI 7000 Thermal Cycler (Applied Biosystems); quantification by using a relative quantification method, normalised to GAPDH mRNA levels); sample handling and laboratory technique described
Examiners: no information provided
Interobserver variability: not reported
Target condition and reference standard(s) Target condition: endometriosis
Prevalence of target condition in the sample: n/N = 45/74 (61%); stage I‐IV, number per subgroup not provided; controls 29
Reference standard: laparoscopy
Description of positive case definition by reference test as reported: staging according to the rASRM system
Examiners: no information provided
Flow and timing Time interval between index test and reference standard: tissue samples were obtained at laparoscopy
Withdrawals: none reported
Notes Conclusion: This study reveals for the first time multiple defects in PG biosynthesis pathways, which differ between eutopic intrauterine and ectopic endometrial tissues and may, owing to the wide spectrum of PG properties, contribute to the initial steps of endometrial tissue growth and development and have an important role to play in the pathogenesis and symptoms of this disease
For Cox‐1, cPGES, Akr1B1, Akr1C3 and 15‐PGDH mRNA there was no statistically significant difference between the groups ‐ no data available for meta‐analysis (Appendix 7)
For Cox‐2, mPGES1 and mPGES2 mRNA there was a statistically significant difference between the groups, but there were insufficient data to construct 2 × 2 tables; not included in this review
Methodological quality
Item Authors' judgement Risk of bias Applicability concerns
DOMAIN 1: Patient Selection
Was a consecutive or random sample of patients enrolled? No    
Did the study avoid inappropriate exclusions? Yes    
Was a 'two‐gate' design avoided? No    
    High High
DOMAIN 2: Index Test All tests
Were the index test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference standard? Unclear    
If a threshold was used, was it pre‐specified? No    
Was a menstrual cycle phase considered in interpreting the index test Yes    
    High Low
DOMAIN 3: Reference Standard
Is the reference standards likely to correctly classify the target condition? Unclear    
Were the reference standard results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the index tests? Yes    
    Unclear Low
DOMAIN 4: Flow and Timing
Was there an appropriate interval between index test and reference standard? Yes    
Did all patients receive the same reference standard? Yes    
Were all patients included in the analysis? Yes    