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. 2015 Jun 18;2015(6):CD010856. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010856.pub2

Ruan 2005.

Country of study: China
Geographic location: urban ‐ Bao Ji and Jing Bian
Year of study: 2002
Year of change in fluoridation status: NA
Study design: cross‐sectional
Participants Inclusion criteria: not stated
Exclusion criteria: absent or unavailable; non‐permanent residents
Other sources of fluoride: no fluoride supply was provided by dental service and no fluoride supplement program was implemented in any of the communities
Ethnicity: not stated
Social class: the selected schools served rural communities where socioeconomic standards were comparable
Residential history: permanent residents
Other confounding factors: not stated
Interventions All natural fluoridation
 Group 1: 0.4ppm
 Group 2: 1.0 ppm
 Group 3: 1.8 ppm
 Group 4: 3.5 ppm
 Group 5: 5.6 ppm
Outcomes Dental fluorosis (TF Index); caries data also evaluated within the study but excluded from review due to study design
Age at assessment: 12 and 13 years
Funding The study was supported by the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Sampling Unclear risk 13 schools were contacted and all children were invited to participate. The sampling frame for schools was not specified
Confounding High risk Even though fluoride supplement and fluoride supply by dental service were taken into account, the use of fluoride toothpaste (a common source) was not mentioned. It is not clear why it was not acknowledged or investigated
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk The fluoride concentration of the local drinking‐water supplies was unknown to the examiner at the time of the clinical examinations, which took place with the students seated on ordinary chairs outside the school building
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Data presented for all participants
Selective reporting (reporting bias) High risk Partial reporting of outcome ‐ only reported prevalence of fluorosis with TF score ≥ 3 (fluorosis of aesthetic concern)
Other bias Low risk No other apparent bias