About 0.6% of Women and 4.25% of Left-Handed Women Have Olfaction without Apparent OBs
(A) Coronal images from three women without OBs identified in the HCP data (HCP_a-c). Yellow arrows denote expected location of OBs.
(B) Coronal images of the monozygotic twins of the three women in (A). OBs are outlined in yellow.
(C) Violin plot of olfactory performance (age-adjusted) in all 602 HCP women participants (those who have both T2 scans and olfactory tests), those without bulbs in purple, and their monozygotic twins with bulbs in yellow.
(D) Coronal image of the questionable case in the HCP data (HCP_d). Yellow arrows denote expected location of OBs.
(E) Coronal image of the mono zygotic twin of the participant in (E). OBs are outlined in yellow.
See also Figures S10 and S11.