Figure 4.
L6CCs Gate L5PT Output
(A) Principal component analysis of the spatiotemporal properties of synaptic input patterns to L5PT models. 92% of PC1 reflect the net excitatory input to the proximal dendrites of L5PTs within a time window of 8–16 ms after the stimulus onset.
(B) Synchronous proximal drive (SPD) is an almost perfect predictor for the probability of AP responses in the simulations.
(C) Iso-probability plots of AP responses as a function of the number and synchrony of synaptic inputs to the proximal dendrites of L5PTs. Bold lines represent the average AP probability measured in vivo for PW, SW, and 2nd SW stimulations, respectively. Comparison between these general input/output relationships and the empirically determined properties of the TC and different IC cell types is shown (mean ± SD).
(D) PSTHs and average wRFs analogous to Figures 3D/3E but without stimulus-evoked inputs from the TC and different IC cell types.
(E) Increase in AP probabilities of L5PTs with versus without stimulus-evoked inputs from the TC and different IC cell types as shown in (D).
(F) Contribution from all versus somatotopically aligned L6CCs to the AP responses of L5PTs.