Figure 7.
TC Input Evokes Responses in L6CCs that Precede Those in All Other Cell Types
(A) Example of in vivo labeled VPM axon (top panel), whose path length distribution was quantified with respect to the deepest location where L6CCs are found (here referred to as layer 6A). Path lengths were divided by the IC conduction velocity (0.33 m/s; Salami et al., 2003) of TC axons (middle panel). Average conduction time of VPM axons (n = 14) to layer 6A and 4, respectively (bottom panel), is shown.
(B) AP responses evoked by PW stimuli in exemplary L4SP and L6CC.
(C) PSTHs of PW-evoked APs in morphologically identified L4SPs (n = 8), L5PTs (n = 9), and L6CCs (n = 6).
(D) Example of simultaneously recorded single units in layers 4 and 6A, which show reliable AP responses after PW contact with a pole during exploratory whisking.
(E) Top panel: whisker positions after exemplary touch. Bottom panel: PSTHs of touch-evoked APs of single units in layers 4 (n = 5) and 6 (n = 8) are shown.
See also Figure S3.