L6CCs Receive Strong Convergent TC Input
(A) Example of cell-attached recording in vS1 of AAV-injected brain representing the L6CC shown in (C)–(G).
(B) Coronal section through vS1 of exemplary AAV-injected animal immunolabeled for the vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (VGlu2).
(C) Following the recordings, brains were cut into consecutive sections, tangentially to vS1 (left panels). Maximum z-projections from confocal image stacks show AAV-labeled VPM terminals (middle panels) and biocytin-labeled morphologies (right panels).
(D) 3D reconstruction of the L6CC. Bottom panel: reconstruction superimposed with fluorescent density distribution of AAV labeling is shown.
(E) Super-resolution microscopy of dendritic spines that overlap with AAV/VGlu2-positive boutons.
(F) Fraction of spines (n = 4,789) contacted by VPM boutons.
(G) Raster plots of APs in response to light and airpuff stimulations.
(H) PSTHs of light-evoked APs across L4SPs and L6CCs (mean ± SD of AP onset: 4.6 ± 0.7 ms, n = 4 versus 4.4 ± 0.8 ms, n = 4) and of airpuff-evoked APs (including VPM neurons; n = 7).
See also Figure S4.