A. Experimental schematics. B. Acute seizure burden profiles, previously shown for the model, were replicated. PB-efficacy was calculated by total seizure burden during post-PB hour divided by total seizure burden during pre-PB hour. PB-efficacy, in the absence of ANA12, was significantly higher in P10 (♦, p=0.0002; One-way ANOVA, F3,26=15.15, Bonferroni’s multiple comparisons test) compared to P7. ANA12 improved PB-efficacy in P7 (♦ vs. ♦ symbols for P7 groups; p=0.0017). C. Representative 1h duration EEG traces of from ANA12+PB group, with magnified 1 min duration traces shown in boxes pre- vs. post-PB; ANA12 was administered prior to the start of recording and time of PB injection is shown with dotted line in the middle. Recording electrodes were placed on the pup’s skull overlying the parietal cortex using bregma as a reference. A ground electrode was implanted over the rostrum, and a reference electrode was placed 1cm apart from the recording electrode.