Fig. 5. Inhibition within HVC regulates call timing.
a Call responses (blue bars) to call playbacks (gray) during bilateral infusion of saline in HVC (control). b Accelerated call responses (orange bars) during infusion of 0.01 mM gabazine. c Response probability distributions for control (blue) and gabazine (orange) conditions in (a, b). d Call response latency significantly decreases during the gabazine condition (orange) compared to pre-surgery (control*) and saline control conditions (blue). Response latency: control* = 266 ± 51 ms, gabazine = 166 ± 25 ms, control = 249 ± 68 ms, Kruskal–Wallis test, p = 0.0081, n = 5 birds). e Mean Precision: control* = 5.64 ± 4.25, gabazine = 7.73 ± 3.46, control = 4.42 ± 2.36, Kruskal–Wallis test, p = 0.164, n = 5 birds). f Spectrograms of example calls from one bird during the control (left) and gabazine (right) conditions. g Effects of reduced inhibition on call acoustic features for example bird shown in (f). h Call pitch during control and gabazine condition (mean pitch (control) = 530 ± 59 Hz, mean pitch (gabazine) = 530 ± 50 Hz, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, p = 1, n = 5 birds). i Call duration during control and gabazine conditions (mean duration control: 81 ± 18 ms, gabazine: 84 ± 19 ms, Wilcoxon sign rank test, p = 1, n = 5 birds). j Response rates during control vs. gabazine infusions (mean control: 29.0 ± 16.4 calls/min, gabazine: 35.9 ± 23.5 calls/min, Wilcoxon sign rank test, p = 1, n = 5 birds). Error bars: standard deviation. k. l Call response distributions for jamming avoidance task during (k) control (blue) and (l) gabazine (orange) infusions. Gray box: normalized jamming window, dark: baseline, light: during jamming call playbacks (n = 5 birds). m Percent of calls expected to overlap with the jamming window based on response to 1 Hz call playbacks (left). Percent of calls overlapping with jamming playbacks (right) (mean control: 25 ± 6% of calls vs. gabazine: 37 ± 11% of calls overlapping with jamming playback, Wilcoxon rank-sum test, p = 0.0459, n = 5 birds). Source data is available as a Source Data file.